THE PRIME MINISTERS: Soldiers and Peacemakers
Santa Fe, NM
Partager cet événement :
Mardi 10 Mai 2016 17:00 - Mardi 10 Mai 2016 19:00 | 8.00$ - 17.00$


THE PRIME MINISTERS: Soldiers and Peacemakers
THE PRIME MINISTERS, which is based on Ambassador Yehuda Avners best-selling book, is the story of two soldiers who would become peacemakers, Itzhak Rabin and Menachem Begin. Avner served five Israeli prime ministers, and the documentary is an insiders view of two of them.

The lives of Rabin and Begin cover a rich history full of emotion. The film takes us from the negotiations of the first bilateral treaty between Israel and Egypt in 1975, to the raid on Entebbe, to Anwar Sadats historic visit to Jerusalem, to the Camp David Accords, to the Lebanon War and to Rabins assassination. Michael Douglas is the voice of Yitzhak Rabin and Christoph Waltz is the voice of Menachem Begin. Rare, never before photos and film footage make this a must see film.

An optional Israeli Salad Buffet Bitesr will be served following the screening.



1050 Old Pecos Trail
Santa Fe, NM 87505
United States


Cinéma > Festivals
Cinéma > Films
Cinéma > Avant-premières

Chiens bienvenus : Non
Non-fumeur : Non
Accessible aux fauteuils roulants : Oui


Propriétaire : Santa Fe Jewish Film Festival
Sur BPT depuis : 23 Oct 2013
Santa Fe Jewish Film Festival